pattern with 意味
it is slash-cut pattern with mokume (wood grain ) pattern . 小板目に杢目を交える。 that fits his pattern with two of the other women . 他の2人の女性と同じパターンだわ we helped her . kind of a pattern with you guys . 君たちと同種の人なんだね。 i mean this whole murder thing seems to be a pattern with you guys . 常に廻りで殺人が起こってる it should be a color pattern with impact . インパクト ある 色柄で。 is there a pattern with the victims ? 被害者に共通点は? send their sunrise flight into an intersecting landing pattern with 117 . 交差させるように指示しろ 着陸パターン117だ it's a pattern with you ! それが君だ the pattern of the kamon (family crest ) is ' wachigai ' (a pattern with two or more rings hanging together ) 家紋は「輪違い」。 it is a design of fabric woven in a grid pattern with yarns of two colors like purple and brown or light yellow . 紺色と茶色や浅黄色など、二色の色糸を格子状に碁盤の目のように織った文様。